University of Dallas undergraduate students can get a head start on their master of arts degree from the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts by taking graduate-level courses in their senior year to fulfill some of the requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. This program is designed so that students can complete both their undergraduate and graduate degree in just five years. MAT students can earn Texas teacher certification through the program, and they are not required to major in education as undergraduates.
Contact Info
- Department of Education and Classical Learning
- Email:
- Phone: 972- 721- 5839
- Fax: 972- 721- 5372
Teaching, 4+1
The Master of Arts in Teaching 4+1 Program
The 4+1 M.A.T. offers education majors, as well as students majoring in subjects other than education, the opportunity to earn a Master’s degree with Texas teacher certification. Theology majors are prepared to teach in Catholic elementary or secondary education settings. UD students can expect to gain hands-on teaching experience and to work directly with elementary or secondary students and practitioners in the field. The M.A.T. will provide in-depth knowledge of teaching coupled with extensive experiences in the classroom as a clinical teacher under the direct supervision of university faculty and accomplished classroom teachers.
The M.A.T. 4+1 is ideal for:
The baccalaureate degree for individuals who want to earn state licensure to teach in early childhood through eighth grade in Texas public schools is the B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies.
Interdisciplinary Studies (education) majors interested in teaching in elementary or middle schools schools who then successfully complete all requirements for their B.A. and M.A.T. will also satisfy all the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and Texas State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) requirements for full Texas teacher certification.
M.A.T. 4 + 1 Degree Requirements:
The Master of Arts in Teaching program allows students to graduate with Texas State Teaching Certification for all-levels, elementary (early childhood - grade 6), middle school (grades 4 - 8) or secondary school (grades 7 - 12). It also prepares those who aspire to teach at the secondary level in Catholic Schools for Texas Catholic Conference Teaching Certification.
Interdisciplinary Studies students seeking certification to teach at the elementary level (grades EC-6) are required to complete the following undergraduate courses before their fifth year:
- EDU 3147, 3148. Reflective Teaching (2 semesters required)
- EDU 3305. Computer Problem Solving.
- EDU 3322. Child and Young Adult Literature.
- EDU 3323, 3102. Developmental Reading with Field Based Experience
- EDU 3324. Diagnostic and Corrective Reading
- EDU 3325, 3101. Mathematics Concepts for Elementary Teachers with Field Based Experience
- EDU 3326, 3103. Science in the Elementary School with Field Based Experience
- EDU 3327. Child Growth and Development or EDU 5302 Human Growth and Development
- EDU 3330. Integrated Curriculum
- PHI 3335. Philosophy of Education
- EDU 4343. Principles of Elementary Education
- EDU 5351 History of American Education
- EDU 5352. Education Evaluation
- 2 Graduate Level EDU Electives
During the fifth year of the 4+1 M.A.T. program, students will be required to complete the following additional graduate coursework:
- EDU 5355. Foundations of ESL Instruction
- EDU 6147. Graduate Clinical Teaching Seminar
- EDU 6148. Graduate Clinical Teaching Seminar
- EDU 6802. Early Childhood School (Grades K-3) Clinical Teaching AND EDU 6806. Intermediate
School (Grades 4-6) Clinical Teaching
OR - EDU 6805. M.A.T. Internship AND EDU 6810. M.A.T. Internship
Select one of the following Education Electives:
- EDU 5357. Gifted and Talented: Nature and Needs. Spring
- EDU 5342. Foundations of Catholic Education. Fall.
- EDU 5354. Language Acquisition/Linguistics. Fall, odd years.
- EDU 5357 Sociology of Education. Fall
- EDU 5356 Educational Research Design. Spring.
- EDU 6333 Foundations of Literacy Learning. Fall, even years.
M.A.T. total credit hours: 30
Students seeking certification to teach at the secondary level (grades 7-12) are required to complete the following undergraduate courses before their fifth year:
- EDU 4346, 3111, 3112. Principles of Secondary Education with Field Based Experience (Middle School & High School).
- EDU 3147 or 3148. Reflective Teaching.
- EDU 3305. Computer Problem Solving.
- PHI 3335. Philosophy of Education.
- EDU 5323. Reading in Secondary Schools.
- EDU 5351. History of American Education.
- EDU 5352. Education Evaluation
- EDU 3327 Child Growth and Development OR EDU 5377 Human Growth and Development
2 Graduate Level EDU Electives
During the fifth year of the 4+1 M.A.T. program, students will be required to complete the following additional graduate coursework:
- EDU 6147. Graduate Clinical Teaching Seminar
- EDU 6148. Graduate Clinical Teaching Seminar
- EDU 6808. Middle School Clinical Teaching AND EDU 6812. High School Clinical Teaching.
OR - EDU 6805. M.A.T. Internship and EDU 6810. M.A.T. Internship
- EDU 5355. Foundations of ESL Instruction.
Select one of the following Education Electivies (or another approved by the department chair):
- EDU 5337. Gifted Learners: Nature and Needs. Spring.
- EDU 5342. Foundations of Catholic Education. Fall.
- EDU 5354. Language Acquisition/Linguistics. Fall, odd years.
- EDU 5357. Sociology of Education. Fall.
- EDU 5356. Educational Research Design. Spring.
- EDU 6333. Foundations of Literacy Learning. Fall, even years.
M.A.T. total credit hours: 30
Students seeking certification to teach theology at the secondary level (grades 6-12) are required to complete the following undergraduate courses before their fifth year:
- EDU 4346, 3111, 3112. Principles of Secondary Education with Field Based Experience (Middle School & High School).
- PHI 3335. Philosophy of Education.
- EDU 5323. Reading in Secondary Schools.
- EDU 5351. History of American Education.
- EDU 5352. Education Evaluation.
- EDU 3327 Child Growth and Development OR EDU 5377 Human Growth and Development
- RPS 6336. Catechetics & the Development of Faith
During the fifth year of the program, 4+1 M.A.T. students will be required to complete the following additional graduate coursework:
- EDU 6147. Graduate Clinical Teaching Seminar
- EDU 6148. Graduate Clinical Teaching Seminar
- EDU 6808. Middle School Clinical Teaching AND EDU 6812. High School Clinical Teaching.
OR - EDU 6805. M.A.T. Internship AND EDU 6810. M.A.T. Internship
Select two of the following Education Electivies (or others approved by the department chair):
- EDU 5337. Gifted Learners: Nature and Needs. Spring.
- EDU 5342. Foundations of Catholic Education. Fall.
- EDU 5354. Language Acquisition/Linguistics. Fall, odd years.
- EDU 5357. Sociology of Education. Fall.
- EDU 5356. Educational Research Design. Spring.
- EDU 6333. Foundations of Literacy Learning. Fall, even years.
- EDU 5355 Foundations of ESL Instruction. Spring.
M.A.T. total credit hours: 30
Featured Faculty
All Education Faculty
Janette Boazman, PhD
Associate Professor, Education and Classical Learning, Graduate Director, Education
Phone: (972) 265-5714
Office: Braniff Graduate Building #22
Office Hours: By Appointment: In-Person & Virtual

Barbara Khirallah, MEd
Affiliate Instructor, Education and Classical Learning
Phone: (972) 721-5334
Office: Braniff Graduate Building #20
Office Hours: M 12:00 - 2:30 p.m. & 4:30 -5:30 p.m. / W 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. or by Appointment